Grow your bakers business with CakerHQ
Try for free
Start with a two-month trial with either a monthly or yearly subscription, and explore all features of Cakerhq. You can cancel anytime during the trial period.
Save 17%
month-to-month flexibility
Save 17%
pay $249.10 upfront and save 17%
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and sign up now
Why cake makers choose us
Streamline communications
Save hours of admin each week
Reach more clients
Automated payments from clients
Frequently Asked
We are here to help you with most frequently questions. If you didn't find answer, you could go to FAQs page for more information or contact us.
How does the free trial work?
When you subscribe you will receive 2 months free trial. During this time you can try out our platform. At the end of the trial period, you will move onto a paid monthly or yearly subscription, unless you cancel before the end of your trial period.
Can I cancel during my trial or subscription period?
Yes, you can cancel at any time provided you don’t have any future cake bookings within the platform. If you do have future bookings you will need to cancel and refund the deposits paid and then cancel your subscription. Subscriptions are paid in advance and are non-refundable.
What happens if a customer cancels their order?
Customers accept the CakerHQ terms and conditions including our cancellation clause. Depending on how close to the event they cancel the customer may be refunded in full, lose their 50% deposit or lose their entire payment. For more details on our cancellation policy click here.
Can I switch between monthly and yearly subscriptions?
Yes, you can switch whenever you like. Subscriptions are paid in advance so you will be charged the new monthly or yearly fee when your next renewal is due.
When will I get paid for my cakes?
We collect the customer payments on your behalf and you will receive a payout of all funds owing to you weekly. We collect a 50% deposit on confirmation of your quote and the balance 2 weeks before the event date.